
I honestly wasn't expecting to find too much of a similarity when I first looked up Akihiko and Mitsuru's compatibility. I was pleasantly surprised to read otherwise, though! I smiled when I read that Virgo and Taurus relationships usually start off as being just friends and then slowly build up to being more. Their relationships are also long-term. If a romantic relationship were to blossom between Akihiko and Mitsuru, this would certainly be what happens. They already have the solid foundation and because of their awkwardness when it comes to romance, they would likely move slow.
Romance aside, I thought the descriptions I read were rather accurate for their friendship as well. They both get along very well. Mitsuru only has the minor irritation of his impulsivity, but she is never truly mad at him. They have also been friends for a few years now and thus their relationship does have a long-term feel to it. As a result, I think they both feel a sense of familiarity and comfort with each other as well. They are used to being together because they've been working on a common goal for a long time. This also resonates with the description saying both signs are level-headed, have similar goals in life and share a discipline and focus.
I also found it interesting that both their sun signs and their Arcana take note of their union bringing a sense of being whole and balanced. I've already discussed the importance of this on the previous page, but apparently the astrology stresses this as well. Together they are complete. ♥
Love Match: Taurus and Virgo
Simply Sun Signs: Taurus Woman - Virgo Man
Virgo and Taurus Compatibility: The Healer and the Lover
b a c k . c l e a r . f o r w a r d Resonance is © Samantha, however Akihiko, Mitsuru and Persona 3 are © Atlus and other rightful owners. Resonance is a part of AFTER-DEATH.ORG.